Reproductive Health Acupuncture
Preconception...Fertility Acupuncture
Pregnancy Acupuncture
Pregnancy is a time of extraordinary physical and emotional changes. It is also a time when it is more important then ever to support and care for your well being. Acupuncture and Integrative chinese medicine can help you meet unique challenges of Pregnancy, ensuring optimal health for you and baby in a safe natural way and prevent the use of harmful medications.
What to Expect :
1st Trimester: Acupuncture sets the foundations for a healthy pregnancy. It can gently alleviate stress, morning sickness, vomiting, fatigue and headaches.
2nd Trimester: Offers relief and balances the body from common complaints such as heartburn, hemorrhoids, stress, insomnia, edema, elevated Blood pressure, elevated blood sugar, and pain management.
3rd Trimester: Prepares the body for labor and deliver. It helps to alleviate body aches, sciatica, hip, joint, and back pain.
Breech Babies: Acupuncture can help with more serious issues during pregnancy. Specific acupuncture points and Moxa Techniques are very useful for tuning a breech baby. with no adverse side effects. Recommended care begins 34 weeks - 38 weeks.
Labor Prep: From 38 weeks + calm the mind, reduce stress, prepare your mind ,body and spirit for labor. it is recommended to be seen 2-4 x per week if you have passed your due date. Labor Preparation should be done daily. with no adverse side effects. If you have a Dr. Referral for earlier then 38 weeks please advise.
Postpartum Acupuncture: Acupuncture can help you heal and regain your strength and vitality , re-balance your energy, boosts moods, boost immune system, increase milk supply, address concerns such as pain, fatigue, Post birth headaches and Postpartum depression. Acupuncture and TCM provides a safe gentle way to nurture, care for your health, and that of your baby, through out your pregnancy and beyond. If you are pregnant or considering having a baby contact us.
More Details: check website
Becky Castano LAc, Dipl. OM
[email protected]
Special Request Concierge
Maternity +
Postpartum Acupuncture
Special request Concierge
Fertility AcupunctureCastaño Wellness
Private Practice of
Becky Castaño LAc, Dipl.OM, MATCM
Mariano Castaño CMT, CCM
Online Booking
Instagram: @bcacupuncture
Forms of Payment:
Cash is Welcome
Zelle 8052067615
Venmo @becky-castano
Square Credit Card Merchant
Acupuncture Billing:
Insurance verification:
Each policy is very unique so
we require our office to do a
Insurance verification
before service date
if you intend to utilize Insurance
In network:
Select Cigna PPO Policies
Select Blue Shield Policies
CCN VA Triwest Provider
Out of Network:
Blue Cross
Health net
United Health Care
We offer select
out of network billing
when approved.
Acupuncture Hour's:
by Appointment only
Tuesday 10-8
Wednsday 10-8
Thursday 10-8
Friday intermittent Hour's
Concierge options
Owner Name
Becky Castano Lac
Care Offered
- Acupuncture
- Community Support
- Fertility Specialist
- Massage Therapy
- Mental Health
- Nutrition
- On-Call Support
- Supplements
- VBAC Support
- Virtual / Telehealth
- Well-Women Care
Virtual Services
Yes, in addition to in person
Office Address
1429 East Thousand Oaks Boulevard #103, Thousand Oaks, CA, USA
Accepting New Clients
Accepts Insurance