
At Mama Meals we know it takes a village, that’s why we source the highest quality ingredients, cook them using ancestral principles from Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, and Weston A. Price, then deliver them frozen to your door.  Simply heat, serve and enjoy.

My first postpartum was a struggle. I ate the wrong things and ended up constipated, tired, and feeling blah all the time. Before my 2nd was born we prepped and froze 60 postpartum specific meals to have ready, and WHAT A DIFFERENCE! I recovered quickly, my husband spent less time cooking, and life in general just felt easier. I started Mama Meals to bring this traditional wisdom to Moms everywhere!

Use code: MOTHERMUNA to receive $20 your first order of $200

Owner Name

Holly Stein

Care Offered

  • Meal Delivery

Virtual Services

No, only in person


All States
